Monday, April 2, 2012

Lame April fools' prank

April fool, go to school and tell your teacher that you are a fool!

The above is a famous line we keep on muttering while we were in Junior school after pulling each others leg on the April Fools day. Usually we do have extended April fools' days and irrespective of the date, when we pull a trick we just keep on chanting this. Yesterday I was reminded of this since I managed to pull one on the blog

First I thought I will not have victims, but was over the moon to find that I had 3! One actually breathed a short lived sigh of relieve saying that - Thank god this mess ends. Where as the other two, tried to pursuit me to continue to post" probably they think that I can be a better laughing stock when I write!

Sorry people the shop will be open for another 11 days (atleast) and I would decide on the 365th day whether to really close this down from business or not!

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