Sunday, September 4, 2011

Honey and Fenugreek

As long as I can remember its very seldom that I have gone to meet a doctor complaining of stomach pain. But last week I was in unbearable pain and was out of option and for the first time while being abroad went to meet a doctor ( ah this itself is a longer story, probably on a later date I might write).

This made me wonder how I have avoided the doctor although I have had slighter stomach pains. This reminded me it was always my mothers formula which worked, she would ask me to take two teaspoons of honey and a few seeds of fenugreek, it has always had worked like a charm. Adding to that she would always order me to take some king coconut water to keep me hydrated. No anti biotics, no tablets, no side effects it was just natural care. I am no doctor but this mothers mantra works for me!

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